Door to Door
Friends, readers, and first time visitors, it's been a little over two months since we, Kat and Maia, have been in the same place, let alone time zone, to collaborate on a post. Assuming you've been itching to hear the two beans in tandem once again -- the moment has arrived! Without further deprivation of our joint voice, we have come together to share a shamelessly hokey metaphor in an attempt to describe how distant our lives have been this summer, yet, as always, how strikingly similar.
We're here to take you from door to door: from shore to shore, from Europe to Boston. With no prior planning or foresight, we both happened to accumulate a modest collection of photos of colorful and quirky doors that we passed by here and there. What better way, then, to discuss our geographically separated summers than looking at them through said passageways?
Top photo: Somerville Tapas Restaurant, Dalí's, iconic entrance
There were Cafes boasting AC, coveted wifi, and snacks that filled our tummies as much as they satiated our aesthetic.
Left: a NYC breakfast spot, Right: the Miami "gossip and brunch" place
And archways that acted as entrances to hidden gems and colorful nooks.
Left: the official passageway to Miami's Wynwood Walls, Right: Snuck this photo through a small wrought-iron gate while in London.
The color blue seemed to be a popular choice.
Top row: Frigiliana, Spain, Bottom left: Nerja, Spain, Bottom right: Kensington, London, (By house number) 7: Spain, 1365: Somerville, 342: Notting Hill
Classic wood a close second.
Top left: Frigiliana, Top right: Nerja, Bottom left: London, Bottom right: Nerja
There were those that doubled as opulently crafted works of art, connecting our nineteen year-old selves to timeless history.
Top row: Miami's Viscaya Museum and Garden is framed in these ornate iron doors, Bottom left: Door to a church in Comillas, Spain, Bottom right: apparently there's a Castle at BU?
And those that lead to little treasures.
Left: a Little Lending Library in Somerville, Right: a Beacon Hill gate that presumably leads to a secret garden, Bottom: a quaint art studio in Madrid
There were those leading to metros (our favored form of transportation -- be it in Boston, New York, London, or Spain).
Those opening toward internships.
Those leading up to our dream brownstone in New York City.
And simply those that caught our eyes.
(Top grid) Top left: North End, Top right: Somerville, Middle left and right: Somerville, Bottom left: Church at BU, Bottom right: Newbury Street, (Bottom Grid) Notting Hill
No matter how far apart we physically were, we somehow found ourselves adventuring similar trails -- an unintentional ode to our synchronized minds and hearts, a testament to how much we would love to travel together sometime in the future. So -- here's to entering doors that lead us to new places, and here's to finally being back together in one country - now we're just working on being back in the same state...
Xx, Kat & Maia