MTV Welcome to My Yurt
As promised, here is the tell all on #YurtLyfe in Marfa, Texas. For those of you who don’t know what a Yurt is, well.. neither do I. Next question. Whatever Merriam Webster defines a Yurt as, I’m here to explain it to you in pictures. Cue El Cosmico - a very neat, very community-shower-vibe lodging area a block further away from main Marfa. Which, as you may remember from the last post, is very close to Marfa itself. Interestingly enough, El Cosmico still manages to exude its own essence.
The plot of land houses a variety of lodging amenities from Yurts to Teepees to “Casitas” to square feet for you to prop up your own tent. And yes, everyone we kept running into at dinner in Marfa was staying at El Cosmico too.
To escape the area for the day, the fam and I embarked on a 3 hour drive to Big Bend, a 30 minute hike, and a 3 hour drive back. Trust me, we had all intention to hike for at least as long as we drove, but alas, even when you wear the right gear this year, us Miamians don’t really have altitude capabilities in us.
(Pictured last year “hiking” amidst the California Redwoods in leather jackets and fashionable sneakers, vs. this year in athletic gear and good intentions).
At least the drives were worth it thanks to Mo and his comical navigation techniques. i.e. not providing any direction for my sister who, bless her soul, was deemed chauffeur for the entirety of our trip.
Upon returning to Marfa post a day’s drive, all that there was left to do was sleep. My sister and I wanted to put off that inevitability for as long as possible, so we had 3pm drinks at one of the bars and told our father to “Enjoy Yurtself” when he split off to take a nap. But, once 7pm rolled around and we had already eaten our 5pm dinner, it was, in fact, time to sleep. Thank goodness the Yurts were heated, but sadly the communal bathrooms were not. And that’s a story for another time.
Farewell Marfa, you will not be forgotten!